
Horses are elegant, powerful, and agile.

Good racehorses will produce a large number of horsies with a good bloodline. We'd like to encourage players to learn more about their horses. Here are some things every player should know before owning a good horse.

Horse details

Basic details related to the racehorse. They consist of a range of values such as status effects that will affect races, rarity ratings and various other aspects.

Horse appearances

The appearance of each racehorse will be randomly generated from a pool of cosmetics. There is a small chance that you may get a horse that looks the same, but it's very unlikely. As we have designed the horses from different parts, in each section, there will be a variety of styles and many colors that combine to your unique horse appearance.

Horse and Level

Each horse's level can be increased by collecting EXP through races. There will be different limits on these, depending on the stats they were born with.

From the information above, you can see that each horse with any rarity has the possibility of getting the lowest level cap, which is level 7. Let us give an example of the Common level, where the chances of getting a Common max level 8โ€“20 horse are equally at 7.692%. This could mean you might get a Common max level horse at level 20 as well. Or you could get an Exotic with the max level of 12. Anything can happen, as no one knows how talented your racing partner will be or how far they can go!

EXP table

Increasing the EXP used to Level Up each horse. Horses will receive EXP mainly by participating in the races. They gain EXP whether they win or lose. Horse EXP gain rate from races, for example: $STAR x 10,000 = EXP (but not more than 10% of current Max EXP)

Level up and Gain

When a Horse Levels Up, the horse will receive a random โ€˜Max Bonus Statโ€™ and a โ€˜Current Bonus Statโ€™. The 4 โ€˜Max Bonus Statsโ€™ are potentially either STA, SPD, DEX or INT, and the โ€˜Current Bonus Statsโ€™ are either GAT or TMP. For example, assuming your horse is Rare and Max Level 14, that means your horse can increase its Max Stats and Current Stats, up to 13 times from Level 1 - 14. This means having a Common horse doesn't mean you'll always lose. So, talent can be defeated by using judgement, training and care in raising your horse.

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