đąJOC Token LPs
Investors can earn $JOC by creating liquidity for the system.
$JOC Liquidity pools
Liquidity is created by matching assets within the system. This mechanism helps keep $JOC its value. The value of $JOC is based on the total number of assets pooled within the pool.
JOC Tokens will gradually be released into the liquidity pool from the respective prize multiplier (e.g., 5x, 10x, etc.).
LPs | Multiplier |
$JOC / $STAR | 20x |
$JOC / $SPEED | 10x |
$WONE / $JOC | 5x |
$JOC / $1ETH | 5x |
$JOC / $1WBTC | 5x |
$JOC / $1USDT | 5x |
$JOC / $1USDC | 5x |
$JOC / $BUSD | 5x |
$JOC / $1DAI | 5x |
$JOC / $JEWEL | 5x |
$JOC / FIRA | 5x |
$WONE / $1USDC | 1x |
$JOC LPs emission rate:
Liquidity pool emission: 43,200 Blocks per day
Period | $JOC/Block | $JOC/Day |
*Bonus Period | 40 | 1,728,000 |
After bonus period | 20 | 864,000 |
*Bonus Period will start on the launch day. There will be 3 days for increasing $JOC by yield farming.
Last updated