
Become the fastest racer

Miracles can happen when humans and horses work closely together. A horse can’t race by itself. It needs someone to ride, train and guide it through the races, to become a racehorse, and to ultimately win the championship!

The jockey career path is one of the most fun to play. We hope that this career will attract most of the players, as the gameplay is easy to understand and access. You just need to train in order to increase your chances in the races. You can choose to have a short-term contract or even be a freelancer.

The only thing that matters is “who is on the horse.”

Dominic Joretto

Racecourse details

The field for each Racecourse is open every hour. Players who have posted the activity will have have already been matched with players and horses. Players will then be held in a waiting room prior to competing. The initial waiting time will be 30 minutes. The subsequent 30 minutes will be the competition period. During this time the players will know the racecourse and the environmental conditions. Players will be able to claim rewards after the race. If there are not 12 players in the race, the player will be moved next round.

The Racecourse is every 1 hr. = 24 Round/Day, 12 pairs per room For example 1 Round = 1 hour. 01.00 a.m. - 01.30 a.m. is the open round 01.31 - 01.59 Players will know about the Racecourse and environmental conditions. Then they have to wait for the results (including the time for placing bets on the next phase) 02.00 Will be notified of the race (and can watch the race), know the results of the race, and also watch a race replay and Claim.


Players lose Energy based on the distance they compete.

Jockey Reward

Jockey will receive $JOC as a reward for the competition.

The employment fee is the same as breeders and all occupations are taxed at 35% and have a minimum wage rate set as well.

Horse Reward

Horses will receive $STAR as a reward for the competition.

Jockey Stats

Jockey Stats will directly affect the horse's attributes when players have a higher stat. This will mean there will be a higher ability to control the horse in any environment. Therefore, no matter how bad it is, the horse can still compete. The conditions to calculate the bonus are as follows:

1 Jockey stat = 0.03003003003% (affects only negative attribute point and bonuses added from negative attribute point not more than 0 (zero)

For example

  1. Grass -10, Dirt -20, Clay 20, Snow 10

  2. Player has Jockey stat: 340, so can only get +10% Attribute bonus, as it is only for the negative attribute point.Player has Jockey stat: 340, so can only get +10% Attribute bonus, as it is only for the negative attribute point.

  3. Negative attribute values are Grass -10, Dirt -20 will be Grass +0, Dirt -10.

  4. Positive attribute points are not affected by this bonus.

Mastery Bonus and Wage

The Mastery level of the Jockey affects the horse's bonus Race Stats earned during the race. This can greatly improve the horse's potential and also the minimum wage rate for each activity.

These wages will be taxed 35% and will be burned out of the circulating supply as fees.

Last updated